Thank you for your support!

You may have a hard time believing this but as a child, I was extremely shy and sometimes still struggle with introversion. I’ve realized that I come to life when I enter the stage. I first become aware of this when at 14 years old, I stepped into the role of Frodo (Notre-Dame-de-Paris). Since then, the stage has always been my solace and allowed me a freedom otherwise unknown.

On July 14th on Joe’s Pub’s stage, I experienced a level of freedom I had not felt in a long time. There was all sorts of magic in the air, and thanks to my amazing musical team who I felt had my back 100%, I was able to take many liberties my younger self may have probably been afraid to.

July 14th was like a vibrant dream. The room was filled with the most palpable energy from both the musicians and the audience. It was a true mutual exchange, with moments of hilarity, sincerity and tenderness. Oh, what a blessing to perform in a concert setting, and particularly under these circumstances. Joe’s Pub; once again, has exceeded my expectations in so many ways! I’m very grateful to Isabel Kim for booking us, and to everyone who took SUCH great care of us from A to Z. I’m also very thankful to my all-star cohorts Hyuna Park, Elias Bailey & Linus Wyrsch who I love both on and off the stage, and whose musicianship takes me to places I only dream of visiting, and who, as I mentioned before, also have my back 100%. Thank you also to Irina Hage and Nina Galicheva for the sensational photos, which you’re seeing a sample through this blogpost (more photos available HERE). But I’m most thankful to everyone who came out in support of LIVE MUSIC. Thank you for sharing such beautiful moments, and for allowing yourselves to be musically and figuratively transported with us as well as for the love you’ve shown us. We are experiencing strange times and more than ever, we, artists, need your support, so it means a lot to have it!

During the show, I mentioned the work my late grandmother was involved with for Women’s Rights and I’ve invited you to check out the Abortion Access Front Group for information about how to get involved. In continuing her legacy and mentioning it during the show, I felt her spirit shine throughout, particularly as I wore her beautiful infinite circles jewelry for the occasion. Merci Jacqueline!

The show was a challenge to produce this year, given the myriad of Bastille Day offerings. How can one compete with a free show at Lincoln Center’s Summer Stage or the French Consulate Bastille Day extravaganza in Central Park (also free)? But thanks to the many friends who showed up (some of whom even travelled all the way from VA, my dear friend Shelly!), our event was also successful.

Thank you all so much. There truly is nowhere else I would have rather been than with you all on the evening of July 14th. In case you missed the show, here’s the link to the livestream.

À bientôt! Xx

Myriam Phiro