Summer news / CD release concert announcement!

Hello friends!

I hope you’re enjoying the warm Summer breeze and staying safe from the  flooding. NYC is  so eventful during the Summertime that it’s often challenging to get it all in! Amidst all the concerts, events, picnics, dancing & beach outings, I was able to dodge the storms and enjoy some camping, hiking, cycling and relaxing in various parts of the US. Nature has a way of energizing and healing me, and I’m very thankful to be able to enjoy it, especially among the city’s hustle & bustle lifestyle.

Now freshly returned to civilization, I would like to thank you for helping me fund the recording of “Becoming Marlene Dietrich” through our IndieGogo campaign! Thanks to your support, we have amassed 50% of the funds this endeavor is projected to cost, and will begin the recording this week! In case you’ve missed it and would like to contribute, please do so in our Continued Fundraiser (which features the same perks as our IndieGogo campaign) and stay tuned on our recording developments! Your help in making this happen is a blessing and couldn’t be more appreciated.

In related news, I’m thrilled to announce that our CD release concert will take place on Oct 6th, 2023 at Chelsea Table & Stage in NYC! Please save the date and tell your friends to plan on joining us for this very special event, which will feature the full band (as well as special guest, Grammy-winner Linus Wyrsch.) There will even be a livestream option for those who cannot join us in person. All details can be found HERE. So exciting!!!

Thank you again for reading, and for your continued support! I hope to see you and serenade you very soon! Until then Xx

Myriam Phiro